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trauma bonded podcast

Join me as I share my personal story of healing and take a deep dive into mental health related issues. Together we will examine what happens to our minds/bodies during traumatic experiences, and, more importantly, when we are able to heal.

Meet the host

Trauma Bonded is hosted by Sharee Sheets. A wife to her high school sweetheart, a mom to her teen son, an artist, and a trauma survivor. Sharee has been breaking odds her whole adult life.

More From Sharee

I was diagnosed with CPTSD, adjustment anxiety disorder, and depression in the fall of 2019. These diagnoses came after years of off and on panic attacks, severe depressive episodes, disordered eating, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors that had been impacting my quality of life since I was a teenager. It was at this time that I learned I had been living in survival mode since I was a young girl. I sought treatment that fall after a surprising triggering event at the dentist. It was then I knew that there were deep seeded issues I needed to address.Since my diagnoses, I have been fortunate enough to be able to obtain the treatment I needed through a comprehensive care team. While financially a stretch at times, I have been able to regularly afford 1-on-1 therapy, group therapy through an Intensive Outpatient Program, and psychiatric care. The cost of these services has been eye opening. While I have been able to maintain care, in observing the mental health community, it has become obvious that many who need care do not have access and cannot afford it. This realization has driven me to use my experience to be an advocate in this space.My advocacy started with visual art and creating a mental health brand through artwork. A self-taught artist, I was amazed at my ability development as I continued ‘doing the work’ of healing, so much so I deemed my new skills superpowers. In addition to artistic development, I began noticing other cognitive improvements and greater intellectual capacity. This discovery has led me to her new visions of advocacy under the theme “The Power of Healing.”While I have been fortunate enough to receive the care and healing needed, I know that many are not as lucky. Using my success experience, I would like to dive deeper into the science of my experience and use my story to point to the contrary experiences many face daily.